gulpen – Wittem

During the third year of my studies, I had the opportunity to work in groups on a marketing campaign. This for client municipality Gulpen-Wittem who want to launch a neighbourhood platform. The name and logo of “Hallo Heuvelland” already existed; we had to build on this.

During this project, I was mainly responsible for the graphic design and its social foundation. The visual brand was of course crucial within this campaign.

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After many brainstorming sessions and deliberations, we as a group came to the conclusion to transform the existing logo, and use it as a mascot during the campaign. The heart came to life here and is head character of the campaign. The ‘Hub se’ character, meaning: Did you? Asks the local resident a question each time. These questions refer to the neighbourhood platform. Similarly, to help each other and strengthen social cohesion. 


In every neighbourhood, there are people who need help. For example, help grocery shopping, help with gardening or engaging with loneliness and therefore playing a game together, for instance.

During our campaign, you will be confronted with our mascot asking you a question in the craziest and most appropriate places. Should visitors get excited, they can easily visit the platform for more information.