During the fourth year of my bachelor’s programme, I had the opportunity to work for client the municipality of Heerlen during a minor. Specifically on the Molenberg district within this municipality.

In collaboration with a photographer, the aim of the project was to strengthen social cohesion within this neighbourhood in a multimedia way. 

After my research journey about this district, I decided to map it out. And by that, I mean literally shape it as a map. 


Besides the requirement from my college to deliver printed material as a booklet, I also designed a concept this can be physically used in the area.However, I would like to explain specifically what my underlying thoughts are within this project. As mentioned earlier, the aim is to strengthen social cohesion within this neighbourhood. By visiting the neighbourhood during my research and walking the streets, talking to people and experiencing what life was like within this neighbourhood, I came to a significant number of conclusions. One of the most important conclusions is that so many different people live there. Different in terms of origin, lifestyle but also commitment.

Each resident has their own story that way. These can be read in detail in the printed matter with the portrait photos provided. Each resident’s own living block, as shown in the first picture on the top right. This way, people reading this can form a picture of exactly which people live in which block. This book then contains very nice and personal stories or there each family.


In addition to the book, I also designed a physical product. This in the sense of a large photo wall. Besides the already existing portrait photos, people from the Molenwijk neighbourhood can stick their own photo on their own residential block. This wall will be located centrally in the neighbourhood so that it is easily accessible to most people. With the aim of bringing people together in one place, possibly creating events around this and eventually having a wall full of family portraits.